Pippin - In the Obedience Ring

Rally Obedience
Pippin obtained his CGN title in Nov. 2012 and in 2014 he obtained his Rally Novice title with scores of 82, 88 and 95. The 82 score he was obviously very distracted by I think a girl in season somewhere in the building as he did the course with his noise to the ground (not typical of him) and when not sniffing he was looking around extremely distracted. I really have not done a lot of training with him as he as always been the "show boy" in the family but all my dogs do still learn basic manners. In 2015 Pippin went on to obtain his Rally Advance title finishing his title on a high note with a score of 92. However, again he was often distracted with what was going on in the conformation ring, the place he really loved to shine, so I decided we would end his rally career with the Rally Advance title.
Pippin obtained his CGN title in Nov. 2012 and in 2014 he obtained his Rally Novice title with scores of 82, 88 and 95. The 82 score he was obviously very distracted by I think a girl in season somewhere in the building as he did the course with his noise to the ground (not typical of him) and when not sniffing he was looking around extremely distracted. I really have not done a lot of training with him as he as always been the "show boy" in the family but all my dogs do still learn basic manners. In 2015 Pippin went on to obtain his Rally Advance title finishing his title on a high note with a score of 92. However, again he was often distracted with what was going on in the conformation ring, the place he really loved to shine, so I decided we would end his rally career with the Rally Advance title.
Aug. 30th (Trial 1): Novice B Score 88 under judge Del Lunn
Aug. 30th (Trial 2): Novice B Score 95 under judge Michel Calhoun
Aug. 31st (Trial 1) Novice B Score 82 under judge Michel Calhoun
Aug. 30th (Trial 1): Novice B Score 88 under judge Del Lunn
Aug. 30th (Trial 2): Novice B Score 95 under judge Michel Calhoun
Aug. 31st (Trial 1) Novice B Score 82 under judge Michel Calhoun