Siberian Husky Standards
The Standard for the Siberian, as in many other breeds, has not always been the same. Nor is it necessarily the same from one country to another. Reasons for these differences and changes can vary. Sometimes, changes were made to tidy-up or make clarifications, sometimes directives have come down from the Country's governing body (ie Canadian Kennel Club, Agriculture Canada), and sometimes changes came about due to "forces within the breed fancy". I believe it is important for Siberian fanciers and judges to have a good knowledge of not just the current standards, but also the historical standards.
CanadaCKC Official Standards*
*Getting information on previous Canadian Standards has proven difficult as the SHCC archives is currently in storage amd I have written the CKC about previous standards but to date have had not received a reply to my inquiry.
United StatesAKC Official Standards
Unofficial U.S. Historical Standard
OtherStandards from Other Countries